European road freight Customs clearance is where we started our journey into Customs clearance and, because of Brexit, where we have most recently seen the largest demand for our services.


Harbour Shipping has been providing a neutral and independent Customs clearance service since 1983. Today we offer an unrivalled service facilitating all aspects of road freight Customs clearance. We can offer Import and Export Customs clearance for those who use GVMS; those clearing within a port environment or for those utilising any of the Customs Inland Border Facilities.

We have direct computer links to Customs (CDS) and can arrange completion of Import Entries and Export Accompanying Documents (EAD’s) along with NCTS Declarations (T-form’s) for shipments arriving or departing by road at any port throughout the UK.

Our extensive knowledge of Customs clearance procedures, coupled with our 24/7 presence, allows us to provide a comprehensive range of services to the benefit of importers, exporters and freight forwarders alike.

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